Somerset Bridge to Somerset Station
Approximate distance: 1.75 miles
Immediately north of Somerset road bridge, turn east onto Wharf Drive. When you see the railway bridge piers in the water on your right, a short climb to the left bring you back to the Trail. This section is paved all the way to the old Somerset Station, and provides many striking views of the Great Sound. Good for walking, biking and rollerblading. You may see horses and riders too.
(The Trail maps in this tour come from the Bermuda Tourism Railway Trail brochure. Please pick up a copy if you are in Bermuda.)
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Start your walk at Somerset road bridge:
Somerset railway bridge piers
Somerset Bridge railway station
Somerset Bridge railway station
Footbridge over the Trail
Footbridge over the Trail
Looking at the Great Sound
Trail in Somerset
Remaining signal post
Trail in Somerset
A good section for cycling
Trail in Somerset
Rare agricultural land
Approaching Somerset Viillage
Somerset station in the distance
Somerset railway station