Stacks Image 151

Along Hamilton Front Street

As Bermuda’s only city, Hamilton was the centre of the colony’s economic life. The railway tracks ran right along Front Street, where trains could meet arriving tourists and where freight could be transferred from ship to train. The line continued onto East Broadway towards the railway’s Middle Road Yard.
  • Par-La-Ville tunnel south portal
    Par-La-Ville tunnel south portal
    The tunnel under Par-La-Ville park was one of two on the railway. The sharp bend in the track was a cause of regular difficulties for cyclists. See this location today
  • Train emerging from Par-La-Ville tunnel
    Train emerging from Par-La-Ville tunnel
    This picture was taken sometime during World War Two, as shown by the two servicemen.
  • Bermuda Railway track on Front Street
    Bermuda Railway track on Front Street
    The intersection of Front and Queen streets, with the Bermuda Railway track running down the middle of Front Street. The railway had a spur running into Number 1 Shed, seen on the right.
  • Railway spur running into Number 1 Shed
    Railway spur running into Number 1 Shed
    The spur in Number 1 Shed made freight loading possible. The switch off the main line is just visible in the foreground.
  • Bermuda Railway train on Front Street
    Bermuda Railway train on Front Street
    Trains took up space on Front Street, so you can see why Hamilton Corporation was not always enthusiastic about the railway’s presence. See this location today
  • Queen and Front streets
    Queen and Front streets
    Another view of Queen and Front streets, this one taken from high on a docked liner in the port.
  • Another train on Front Street
    Another train on Front Street
    A Bermuda Railway train passing Number 1 Shed.
  • A view of Hamilton docks
    A view of Hamilton docks
    Two liners in port, and far off in the distance you can make out two Bermuda Railway trains. (Courtesy Okinawa Soba)
  • A unusually long train on Front Street
    A unusually long train on Front Street
    An unusually long Bermuda Railway train on Front Street, with locomotive “City of Hamilton” pulling five toast-rack coaches. (Photo by Little Joe Mello, courtesy Lawrence Mello)
  • Classic view of Front street with motor van
    Classic view of Front street with motor van
    This classic view shows motor van #30 pulling a short Bermuda Railway train past a long line of carriages awaiting their tourist customers.
  • A single motor coach
    A single motor coach
    A single motor coach on Front Street in the early 1930s.
  • A train seen from a liner
    A train seen from a liner
    A Bermuda Railway train seen from high on a liner moored at the Hamilton docks. Locomotive #101 is pulling a toast-rack coach.
  • Tracks on Hamilton docks
    Tracks on Hamilton docks
    A ship unloading at Number 6 Dock. The Bermuda Railway track is clearly visible running along the docks.
  • Three-coach train on Front Street
    Three-coach train on Front Street
    A dual-engine locomotive pulling a three-coach train along Front Street. With both the Monarch and the Queen in port, demand on the railway would be high.
  • Freight train on East Broadway
    Freight train on East Broadway
    Diesel #200 pulling a freight train on East Broadway, including the railway's one oil tank car.
  • Bicycles passing a train in the mid-1930s.
    Bicycles passing a train in the mid-1930s.
    A Bermuda Railway train on Front Street in the mid-1930s, accompanied by the ubiquitous bicycles. (Courtesy the late Tony Burges and Colin J. Churcher.)